Nasza Loteria NaM - pasek na kartach artykułów

Church service for the football supporters

Arkadiusz Lawrywaniec/Polskapresse
Championships are not all about football. For those supporters who would like to participate in religious practices, services in their own languages have been arranged.

In Warsaw both supporters and sportsmen are welcome to attend masses which will take place in, among others, Cathedral of Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Florian the Martyr at Praga (masses in Polish, English, Italian, Spanish and French), as well as in the pallottines parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help at Saska Kępa (in German language among others).

The holy masses in French will be held every Sunday at 10:45 a.m. in the lower church of Saint Andrzej Bobola at 61 Rakowiecka Street.

The Russian supporters are welcome to attend a holy mass which will be held between June 2nd and June 23rd on Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. in the parish of Devine Mercy and Saint Faustina, 1 Żytnia Street.

Holy masses for the Italian fans will take place in All Saints Parish, 3/5 Grzybowski Square.

Holy masses in Spanish will be conducted in the Holy Trinity Parish, 61 Solec Street.

Volunteer are ready to help you out anytime

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